Scripture Reading - Luke 14:28-30 KJV

28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

One of the major problems we (ihlcc) see among many people is the lack of “budgeting”. Some people have told us that they do “budget” but when asked to produce the “budget” they say it is all inside their head. The problem with keeping a “budget” within your mind is forgetfulness. Everyone knows that the mind doesn’t recall every detail of information that is presented to it. So to think that you can accurately know the accounting of every dollar spent in the past, currently and forecasted for the near future is being presumptuous. It is not that people don’t think “budgeting” is a good ideal it seems many lack the financial discipline to live by one on a daily basis. Some have told us that doing (living by) a “budget” would limit their lifestyle. They don’t even realize that everyone’s lifestyle here on the earth is limited in one way or another. This is a true statement because if you submit unto your own “budget” or the “budget” agreed to by yourself and your spouse it will talk to you about what is an acceptable expense and what is not. Once you speak about a “budget” verbally your flesh (along with the evil influence of the devil) will start speaking against establishing a quantifiable spending and saving plan. The “budget” has its own voice as soon as an agreement is written down for all to see. Human nature is predictable; all those who follow a “budget” will revisit their “budget” to make corrections when necessary. However, if you don’t live by a budget you are probably slowly dying financially without one. Budgeting is not something you try for a week or a few months, no “budgeting” is a lifestyle that is accepted by the believer with corresponding actions. Living by a “budget” develops within you the expertise to share your knowledge and understanding with others in need. This scripture states that all the children of God should plan on starting the job with enough resources to finish the work. This means that proper planning will consider the total cost first with all the allowances for time and resources before you spend your money. Typically, when we speak of spending money the financial forecasting is only the start. The financial part of spending money is only part of the battle, what about wasted time and energy trying to figure out what to do when you don’t have enough money. What happens when you spend your money on a non-critical item only to find out that the same money could have been used better elsewhere? These are a few reasons why “budgeting” is so important it is the bridge to walk over into prosperity and peace. All those who refuse to “budget” their money will one day find out that their money has left them with no promise of returning. It is sad that many Americans can’t retire because of insufficient provision in their bank (their savings) accounts resulting from a lack of discipline to faithfully save. “Budgeting” always precedes savings, just like purpose should always proceed planning. So if you know (believe, understand) that “budgeting” is a good thing please start today with the frame of mind that this is my new lifestyle to record my financial facts in an effort to lay a good financial foundation to build the dreams and desires of my heart. Remember, “budgeting” is much larger than yourself, it also includes the future thoughts of your family (parents, spouse and children) and most importantly it carries the witness of our stewardship of the Kingdom of God while we are here on this earth. If you don’t know how much money you need per week and per month how will you ever know when you are making enough money? Generally speaking, when your expenses outweigh your income your financial outlook is very dark. The “budget” will certainly expose this problem so that God’s Light of wisdom can shine on your situation to lead you unto a brighter day in Jesus Christ. So “budget” for life so that your life will be blessed with more prosperity and peace. Amen!